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Bahá’í Community Life

Baha’i community life is developing worldwide and consists of a number of activities that are aimed towards fostering and nurturing a healthy spiritual, individual and community life. These core activities are open to peoples of all faiths and backgrounds, and are seen as a service to the greater community. The Key West Baha’i community is looking for people who are interested in learning more about these wonderful programs and opportunities for service.

For more information please contact us.

Core Activities

These “core activities” consist mainly of:



All of these components are specifically designed to engage and empower individuals and communities to develop a strong sense of spiritual identity and purpose, in a path of service to mankind that will ultimately have a direct impact on the course of humanity’s spiritual destiny towards a “golden age”!

“And the honor and distinction of the individual consist in this, that he among all the world’s multitudes should become a source of social good. Is any larger bounty conceivable than this, that an individual, looking within himself, should find that by the confirming grace of God he has become the cause of peace and well-being, of happiness and advantage to his fellow men? No, by the one true God, there is no greater bliss, no more complete delight…. How excellent, how honorable is man if he arises to fulfill his responsibilities; how wretched and contemptible, if he shuts his eyes to the welfare of society and wastes his precious life in pursuing his own selfish interests and personal advantages. Supreme happiness is man’s, and he beholds the signs of God in the world and in the human soul, if he urges on the steed of high endeavor in the arena of civilization and justice”